Podcasts – Dr. Dale on Quail
Nothing can ruin a quail hunt like a snakebit bird dog, and warm weather during early-season hunts increases the odds and risks of encountering rattlesnakes while afield. To learn how to handle such encounters, join us for this month’s episode of our Dr. Dale on Quail podcast for an interview with Dr. Bud E. Alldredge, Jr. DVM of Sweetwater. Given his tenure (51 years of practicing) and his location (Sweetwater, long-time home of the world’s largest rattlesnake round-up), Dr. Alldredge has treated hundreds of snakebitten dogs. Click the button below to hear what Dr. Alldredge has learned and what to do if you run into a rattler this season.
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We appreciate the support of Gordy and Sons Outfitters for making this podcast possible. Their curated selection of quality products from all over the world excite even the most discerning of outdoorsmen.